T-Shirt to Scarf

Use an Old T-Shirt to make a Scarf! 

If you’re like me, you’re a scarf fanatic! A good pair with a graphic tee, tank top, bundle up in the winter or dress it down in the summer! I’ve been snatching my boyfriend’s old tee’s when he’s ready to toss them! It’s simple and takes less than 10 minutes to make! 

What you need:


How to:

1. Lay T on flat surface and cut the top portion off. (Under the armpits, from one side to the other)
2. Now you should have a square/rectanglish shape. It should be 2-ply and connected at both the top and the bottom. Cut strips about 1/2 inch to 1 inch pieces from one connected side to the other, leaving a 2 inch uncut seam at the top.

3. Once you have your entire piece cut into strips, open up the fabric and gather at your uncut end, the 2 inch uncut portion.
4. Cut off an additional strip from the unused Tshirt Portion. I use the thick seam around the neck.
5. Cut this strip into smaller 3 Inch pieces and tie around your uncut portion from Step 3.

You can combine T Shirts too! Just lay next to each other and gather as if one piece! In the  example used I braided some of the strips for a different messy look!

XO – Kyla


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  1. Scarves: stylish and functional hiders « Little Mrs. Know It All - October 24, 2012

    […] Click here and see how to take t-shirt and turn it into a scarf.  Watch out Mr S, I’m eyeing you tees!  T-Shirt to Scarf. […]

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